An adaptation of the 1957 musical, West Side Story explores forbidden love and the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds. Directed by Steven Spielberg with original music by Leonard Bernstein. Conducted by Gustavo Dudamel.
Track List
1. Prologue
2. La Borinqueña (Sharks Version)
3. Jet Song
4. Something's Coming
5. The Dance at the Gym: Blues, Promenade
6. The Dance at the Gym: Mambo
7. The Dance at the Gym: Cha-Cha, Meeting Scene, Jump
8. Maria
9. Balcony Scene (Tonight)
10. Transition to Scherzo / Scherzo
11. America
12. Gee, Officer Krupke
13. One Hand, One Heart
14. Cool
15. Tonight (Quintet)
16. The Rumble
17. I Feel Pretty
18. Somewhere
19. A Boy Like That / I Have a Love
20. Finale
21. End Credits